Happy Valentines Day!!

Happy Valentines Day!!
Lucy looking cute with her fire hydrant!
It snowed!!
Testing a new Logitech bluetooth keyboard. Hope this makes writing in this blog easiler. Seems to be, it has a nice feel to it and the keys are not too smooshed together. Also, it has a nice click to the keys. I think this will be a big upgrde for me as i can type a lot faster on this than the touch screen for longer posts. Nice!!
Aubrey turns 4 today! Happy birthday! Time flies when you’re having fun!
I saw George Takei at the Thai restraint in Show Low tonight. The waiter was saying he lives up here. Weird, thought he’d live in a more liberal state.
Tonight, the neighbors came over for dinner. We have the grill set up in the new kitchen even though there are no walls. We bbq’ed and sat around and talked, it was a lot of fun.
We had two tables set up for seven adults and one kid with plenty of room to spare. It will be a nice sized kitchen, even with a large table. There will be an island in there, but even with that, there will be plenty of room. I can’t wait to have a large kitchen with lots of room to cook and move around.
It was nice being able to socialize a bit and be able to talk and listen to other peoples stories. I had a good time.
The monsoon does cool things to the sky here. Beautiful pinks and purples scattered throughout the clouds. Then all of a sudden, this happens.
The darkness comes and along with it a feeling of smallness, of dread. This storm system rained on us for a bit, but it was short-lived.
Nature is wonderful.
We have sold the house in the Valley and moved into a fifth wheel. This is a Grand Designs Reflections 28bh. It’s a lot different than living in a house. You have to be careful with your resources.
One of the things I am trying to do is develop better habits. I am starting s new life, after all. It is small, but it is cozy. I can understand why people choose to travel around in these. I am liking it.
We will most likely be in it for the winter. Is it wrong that I am excited for the cold?